


And Stay On People’s Minds Forever

How to stand out as a photographer

„The templates are WOW! Whatever your niche of photography is – just use them and watch your bank account grow.“

Vasso A.

Patmoshoot Photography

Imagine this: you hear the notification of a new message coming in and see a new inquiry popping up. You feel excited and a bit anxious at the same time….like…Yayyyy somebody inquired but also a bit meeeh…can I manage to turn this into an actual booking?

So what does it say…. ah they want some info and prices…you write a friendly reply, answer their questions and send them the pricelist –  and they vanish from planet Earth. Ghosted. Again.

Consider this a scenario of the past.

My Email Templates are not just ordinary Email Templates – they are designed to stand out in your prospect’s inbox,  keep you on their mind and make them book with you again and again. They are designed to build trust and connect with your clients from the very first contact.

I also added a phone script that guides you step by step through the initial call after someone inquired – and it makes sure you turn that inquiry into a booking. Easily and instantly.

The concepts of my templates and the phone script are proven and work – not only do I use them myself but also other photographers LOVE them.

The templates give you the perfect structure, base and examples to write unique and personal mails that connect and build trust – and consequently increase your booking rate drastically.

What do you get?

I promise you that the concepts and strategies in my Email templates make your client communication easy, fun and stand out. You will build trust 3x faster which leads to more bookings and clients on repeat that happily refer you to others.

My templates make it easy for you to find your own voice and communicate in an authentic, efficient and unique way that makes you stand out and stay on people’s minds.

I show you ways to stand out in people’s inbox, get your email opened and read and build a community of faithful and returning clients.

  • My 3 step process how to respond to inquiries and turn them into bookings while positioning yourself as THE go-to photographer they want to book with
  • A detailed phone script for the intital call after an inquiry
  • Creative Subject Lines – stand out in their inbox and make your mail get opened and read
  • Cold Email Templates – how to reach out to businesses, propose collaborations and introduce yourself
  • Sales, Flash Sales & Special Offer Email Templates – selling made easy & fun
  • Customer Experience Email Templates – solve your client’s problems before they even have them. They’ll never want to book with anyone else but you.
  • Fully Customizable Portfolio Template – for standing out right from the start and making the best first impression
  • B O N U S: the bonus itself is mind blowing. Get the famous How To Stand Out As A Photographer & Create A First-Class Experience Guide FOR FREE!

The best part? All this you get for only 37,-€ – instantly delivered to you for immediate use. This is my starting price, it’ll go up soon.

Guide how to stand out as a photographer


In 2018 I quit my corporate job as a manager in a big international food company after 12 years – to follow my heart & passion and started my photography business.

Today I earn more in one shoot than I did in one month in my corporate job and manifested my dream home on the beautiful island of Mykonos in Greece earning money with my passion. But for me it was never about money; it was about fulfillment. About feeling deeply grateful when I see that my work brings joy to other people’s lives. About being my own boss and living life on my terms. About running a business the way I want.

As a seasoned photographer, entrepreneur, certified confidence coach, self-defense instructor and business mentor, I’m passionate to share my experience, intensive business skills and knowledge.

I’m here to show you how to make a living from your passion and scale your business to monthly 5-figures with my proven strategies that I developed over years in the photography business.

The guide How to stand out and How to create a first-class customer experience blew my mind! Together with the Email templates: JUST GOLD!

Don’t just expect a simple PDF file: it’s a very detailed, step-by-step guide. Easy to implement and so, so much background knowledge and value that it’s worth way more than what Vivien is charging! I also highly recommend the Email templates as they made my life so much easier – and helped to find my unique tone. I had so many „Aha!“ moments. I’m still implementing but I already received positive feedback to my emails – way more than I used to – and could land a new customer. Now I’m working on creating that first-class experience!

Thank you so much for creating this, it really made a difference in my business – and life as a photographer.

Peter R.


In the span of one zoom call with Vivien, she was able to give me so much clarity and direction for my business. She was able to give me confidence and affirmation, and point out little things that weren’t working in my business while also giving me solid advice to be able to turn them around. I so appreciate the time she took to look over my website and social media before our call, and her ability to give me constructive criticism without making me feel inadequate. I got so much out of our one conversation; I can’t imagine what heights she would help push you to if you are lucky enough to do one of her one-on-one courses. I highly recommend talking to her if you feel stuck, or directionless, or even just need a little affirmation on your journey.
Thanks so much!
Alexia Boyd

Flex Photography


No more fretting over how to respond to inquiries and turn them into bookings, what to say in Emails or what to do when you get ghosted – if you’ve done all the steps in the beginning right, you won’t get ghosted anymore.

And if for some reason you do, well, there are emails for that which bring you back in the game.

Stay on people’s minds, stand out in their inbox and become the go-to photographer in your area.

What happens when you click on that blue button ⤴️

Checkout Email Templates

When you click on the blue button above that says „YES, I WANT THIS!“, you will be forwarded to the secure Thrivecart checkout. Safety first, right? I want yours and my data to be safe so buckle up and let yourself be transferred to the checkout!

You’ll find a short video there – in case you don’t know me and would like to get an idea of me, watch it 😉

Or just enter your contact details and payment info and you’re good to go! Very simple, very safe and very quick!

Once the payment is processed (usually a few seconds), you’ll see a Congratulations page with the next steps and receive the access to your product immediately.


Frequently Asked Questions

I am just starting my photography business. Is this for me?

Yes, it is. A gift from heaven. Literally.

Will the templates work for my niche?

Yes, the concepts and strategies in the templates work for all niches of photography.

How do I implement the templates?

There is a video in the very beginning where I explain how to use the templates. It is very easy and immediately accessible and actionable. So no excuse not to get to work… 😉

What if I have questions?

Ask away!

The easiest way to do that is to join my free Facebook group Fully Booked Photographer where you can message me directly any time and attend weekly live trainings.

But you can also reach out via Email, of course: hello@vivsvision.com

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Have questions? Ask me. I’m here to help:  hello@vivsvision.com