
Always wanted to learn photography but don’t know where to start?

All the camera settings confuse you?

Photography Foundations

Discover how I earn more in a single photo shoot than a week in my corporate job.

Easy camera settings that make you look pro before you are one!

Learning photography does not have to be hard – it can be simple & fun!

Vivien Renziehausen

Learning photography gives you so many options: doing it for fun, starting a side hustle or a full time job – you decide!

Dream Destination Photography Academy action photo

5 really good reasons to learn photography

Capture Moments Forever

Learn photography to hold onto special moments and keeping them alive forever in your pictures.

Express yourself

With photography, you can show the world your perspective of things, sharing your feelings and thoughts without saying a word.

Create lasting memories

By learning photography, you can make memories that will stay with you for a lifetime, preserving the beauty of every precious second. We never know how long our loved ones are with us!

Discover beauty everywhere

Explore the beauty in the world around you. Photography teaches you to notice the small things and find magic in the everyday.

Unleash your creativity

Learning photography opens a door to a whole new world of creativity, letting you paint pictures with light and shadows, making your imagination real.


From beginner to pro FAST!

Videos on demand

Watch the videos over and over again – anytime, anywhere and as much as you want!

Lifetime access

Your access to my online courses does not expire – ever. You can come back to the courses anytime you want.

Watch me shoot

Look over my shoulder and watch me shoot while I am explaining camera settings etc. for your to follow along

From beginner to pro

This course covers the very basics from finding the right camera to understanding its settings and photography basics

BONUS lessons

Bonus lessons:

  • build your portfolio even when you do not have any clients yet
  • business basics – how to start a photography business

What’s in there

Module 1

A warm welcome and information and tips on how to get the most out of this course.

Module 2

Let’s talk about photography niches, DSLR vs. mirrorless cameras and a solid 5-step process to find the right camera for YOU!

Module 3

 It’s all about the basics: aperture & lenses, shutter speed & ISO. Explained in a very easy to understand way with visual examples that will give you one Aha! moment after another!

Module 4

Understanding your camera: let’s have a look at the big players Sony, Canon and Nikon

Module 5

Let’s set up your camera! Easy beginner settings, basic settings and a close look at focus settings

Module 6

Lots of practising examples while you watch me shoot different set-ups and explain all the settings.

Module 7

Let’s talk editing: overview over free and paid editing software


How to build your portfolio FAST when you do not have any customers yet. 


Thinking about starting your own photography business? No matter if you want a profitable side hustle or thriving main business, here we cover all the basics of how to get started.

Vivien Renziehausen

About Vivien

Welcome To Viv’s Vision!

I’m a photographer, digital course creator, business mentor and trailblazer. I’m here to empower women to make a difference and create something truly beautiful, impactful and lasting that changes lives.

Over the past years I have helped several women to step into their power, start and grow businesses.

And from my own experience I know that there are MANY beautiful souls out there that long to make a difference in this world but don’t know how and are afraid to take the first steps and have a hard time believing in themselves and their work.

Originally from Germany, I’ve successfully manifested sunny Mykonos in Greece my home along with a thriving business that gives me time and money freedom.

I’m no stranger to the travel bug, having trotted through over 40 countries since the age of 18.

Now, as the brains behind Vivien Renziehausen Photography and Viv’s Vision, I’m on a mission to share my magic with you. My motto is

if I can do it, you can do it

and I truly believe that because I’m just a normal girl from a very tiny town in northern Germany. Nothing special.

In all my work I combine the internal work and energetics with the external work of having great offers in place that make your life easy.

I know how to uncover hidden talents and to point you in the right direction of creating truly amazing offers that attract the right clients

I understand how to teach you to brand and market your work based on your truth.

As featured in

When I began my journey as a photographer, I was amazed by how swiftly clients and money flowed in!

In just six months, I made more in a week than I used to earn in an entire month at my old job! It felt surreal. I increased my prices and yet, clients kept coming.

And what’s more: I became my own boss and had the freedom to plan my schedule just the way I wanted. It was a dream come true!

Founder and owner of Dream Destination Photography Academy Vivien Renziehausen


Happy customers

Vivien at work

When I was looking to become a pro I found that…

….in person courses took months or even years.

I wanted to earn my first money first and had no time to spend months in a classroom.

….a personal coach or intensive workshop was unaffordable

I didn’t have the money to invest in a personal coach at that time

….there were no courses that would teach me the very beginnings

How to find the right camera? How to set up your camera? Simple hacks that get you going in no time? Understanding the very basics in an easy way? Nope. Didn’t exist.

Aerial Vivien Renziehausen Photography

Who is this course for?

Photography Foundations is for

Beginner Photographers

Eeek! We all started somewhere at some point! Here we start at the very basics! Step by step. Really simple. Nothing to be afraid of. 😄

Work-from-home parents

Learning photography with the option of starting a business later is the perfect model for single moms or dads and work-from-home parents as it gives you ultimate power over your schedule.

Content creators and creatives

Want to stand out from the rest? Here’s your chance! Add visuals that are clearly way ahead of your competition!

Travel bloggers

Travellers, I know you guys! With over 40 countries under my lens I can tell you it’s more than beneficial to add some really cool pics to your posts!

Hobby photographers

Not sure if you wanna actually do something with this or learn it just for fun? As my course costs less than a proper dinner, you can only win: a new skill and the insight if this is something for you to pursue further or not!

Students & freelancers

Those studying art, media, or design require an understanding of photography –  and a new skill set to offer additional services never hurts…





© Dream Destination Photography 2023