
How to stand out as a photographer

Competition-proof your photography business and go from ghosted to fully booked!

If you want to

…attract the right clients with ease

…stand out and never worry about competition again

…call in more money effortlessly

…learn how to create offers so good people cannot say no to

then you should not let yourself miss this!

It is time to stop playing small, sitting around and hoping for bookings.

It’s time to run the show and your life. Having power over your life and booking calendar is non-negotiable.

It’s time to make the move and make things happen.

To know your worth, step into your power and show up for yourself. 

Hi, I’m Vivien

I’m a photographer, digital course creator, business mentor and trailblazer. I’m here to empower women to make a difference and create something truly beautiful, impactful and lasting that changes lives.

Over the past years I have helped several women to step into their power, start and grow businesses. And yes, I’m a real photographer that still does a lot of photography. You can see my work on my Instagram @vivienrenziehausen or my Website vivienrenziehausen.com and you also find Google reviews from customers.

From my own experience I know that there are MANY beautiful souls out there that long to make a difference in this world but don’t know how and are afraid to take the first steps and have a hard time believing in themselves and their work.

Originally from Germany, I’ve successfully manifested sunny Mykonos in Greece my home along with a thriving business that gives me time and money freedom.

I’m no stranger to the travel bug, having trotted through over 40 countries since the age of 18. Now, as the brains behind Vivien Renziehausen Photography and Viv’s Vision, I’m on a mission to share my magic with you.

Viv's Vision

if I can do it, you can do it

and I truly believe that because I’m just a normal girl from a very tiny town in northern Germany who taught herself all about photography, marketing, business and energetics. Nothing special.

In all my work I combine the internal work and energetics with the external work of having great offers in place that make your life easy. I know how to uncover hidden talents, to teach you how to stand out as a photographer and to point you in the right direction of creating truly amazing offers that attract the right clients easily.

I understand how to teach you to brand and market your work based on your truth, skills and values.

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How to stand out as a photographer:

competition-proof your photography business and go from ghosted to fully booked

This course used to be available only as a live workshop but since the demand was so high, I decided to transform it into an online course to give as many photographers as possible the possibility to join.

Module 1:

Understanding how to stand out and attract the right clients

Module 2:

Aligning with your desires & learning the structures & secrets of a great offer

Module 3:

Creating outstanding offers that sell themselves

Module 4:

Becoming unrivaled in your own niche & let money flow in with ease

Each module

→ contains a video between 20-30 minutes length

→ has homework for you to see results fast

→ is filled with practical business knowledge you can apply over and over again

→ gives you more and more clarity & structure in your business

→ guides you through the process of how to stand out as a photographer step by step

Get instant lifetime access and unlimited replays anytime, anywhere when you sign up below!

By enrolling in this course, you agree to my Terms and Conditions.

Disclaimer: I don’t guarantee or warrant results or increased income because you are responsible for your results. But I can tell you that I LOVE this course and know it can change lives if you take the action.