


When you click on the Call Booking Button, you will be forwarded to the booking page in Calendly that looks like what you see here:

Wouldn’t it be great to experience results like this?

„There is a reason for not booking any clients and that s not because you are not a good photographer. It’s because you are a bad entrepreneur. And Vivien will teach you how to become a great one.

I booked her coaching because I wanted someone to guide me through social media setup and to give me a clear path for the success of my new photography business. I instantly trusted Vivien because she was direct and straight and you understood immediately that she knew what she was talking about. From our first call i received a personal plan and Vivien was always there to support me in every question. She built my social media in such way that my phone started to ring after just a few days! In just two weeks from 0 bookings I ended up with 4 bookings. Don’t invest in equipment before you invested in Vivien!“

Vasso A.

Patmoshoot Photography

„Vivien was able to give me so much clarity and direction for my business. She was able to give me confidence and affirmation, and point out little things that weren’t working in my business while also giving me solid advice to be able to turn them around. I so appreciate the time she took to look over my website and social media before our call, and her ability to give me constructive criticism without making me feel inadequate. I got so much out of just one conversation; I can’t imagine what heights she would help push you to if you are lucky enough to do one of her courses. I highly recommend her if you feel stuck, or directionless, or even just need a little affirmation on your journey.
Thanks so much!“
Alexia B.

Flex Photography

„Vivien was super friendly and incredibly helpful to me, before our call she encouraged me and helped me dig deep with any questions I could think of before our meeting. Not only did she answer my several questions, she gave me amazing advice and really challenged me to a fresh perspective in areas where I have been struggling. The best part is that I never felt embarrassed or ashamed in where I’m struggling. She was so kind to me! Professional and ready to help was my experience. Would definitely recommend!“

Alyssa S.

Alyssa Smith Photography