Your best version

Tailored-for-you individual coaching

Confidence sells. Period.

And if you don’t have it, this is the reason why you’re struggling with your sales, business and life.
A harsh truth.

There are lots of coaches out there that can show you how to grow your business -  I'll show you how to build unshakeable confidence to get out there and make the money you want the way you want.

When you believe in yourself, others start believing in you, too. You don't need to know all the answers, but showing up with confidence turns your message from bland to brilliant. Like turning a plain sandwich into a gourmet meal with a sprinkle of tasty assurance.

Acting confidently leads to better results which boosts your confidence even more: a win-win cycle of success.

Your Best Version is a fully personalized and tailored-for-you program in which you will build unshakeable confidence, overcome self-doubt and learn how to shift instantly from negative thinking patterns to a positive mindset.

As thoughts become feelings, feelings become actions and actions become results, it's crucial for both your business and your life that you develop awareness of your thought patterns and what you attract into your life.

Incorporate faith and learn to trust your intuition to become your most authentic and powerful self, running your business the way it feels good to you and make you jump out of bed with excitement.

Google Reviews

How will this personalized coaching transform my business and my life?

If you're not making the money you want and can't seem to attract the right clients while battling self-doubt and low self-confidence, this program will be a game-changer for you. When you find it hard to get out there and confidently sell your services,  stand up for yourself in price negotiations or stick to your boundaries knowing your worth, this container is for you. What we do here will not just transform your business but all other aspects of your life, too.

Build unshakeable confidence

Nobody is confident in all aspects of their life all the time. The secret is to know how to turn it on when you need it. Develop a strong sense of self-belief that empowers you to take on challenges and ambitious projects with assurance. Learn how to turn setbacks into opportunities that help you grow rather than bring you down.

Shift your mindset

Being able to instantly shift your state of being from negative thinking to positive, fostering resilience and attracting what you really want in life is the key to success.

Achieve your goals

Learn to master the art of successful and effective goal setting and see first results fast, increasing your self-confidence and motivation.

Overcome Limiting Beliefs

Identify and get rid off those lies holding you back and instead allow yourself to unfold and step into your full potential. There are no limits to what we're capable of - the only limits we have are the ones we impose on ourselves.

Incorporate Faith & Intuition

Learn to trust and integrate your inner guidance, faith and values into your business, leading to a more authentic, inspired and happy work & life.

Easy & actionable steps

Get a personalized roadmap with clear and easy steps for achieving your goals with proven methods and strategies tailored to your unique strengths.

Create the life you want

Discover the missing link to why manifestation techniques such as visualization, affirmations, journaling etc didn't work for you so far and implement a process that does work for you. Consciously create the life you want.

Reach out to me via Messenger or Instagram by sending a text or voice message and I'll voice message you right back! No long waiting time, just fire away your questions and get a reply quickly! Or, if you prefer to have a call, use the call booking option - whatever suits you best!

How it Works

Your Best Version is a 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months or 12 months individual coaching program. I pick you up where you are and together we'll set SMART goals and develop your personal plan to reach them fast.

Let's have a short (and free) connection call to get to know each other and find out if we are a good match or send me a text or voice message via Messenger or Instagram and get a voice note right back - whatever you prefer!

Book your free call here

Results you can expect

• Become the CEO of your life and make the money you want. Run your business in a way that feels aligned and fun to you, regardless of any trends or what some gurus say.

• Find out your true purpose and what fuels your soul, creating a fulfilled and happy life to make a meaningful impact on this world

• Build unshakeable confidence in all aspects of your life and learn to "turn it on" when you need it, showing up as the confident leader you truly are.

• Finally feel good and empowered talking about your prices and selling your services, leaving all self-doubt behind once and for all.

• Develop a growth mindset and be able to instantly shift from negative to positive thinking, consciously creating and attracting what you really want

• Upon enrollment, you’ll receive your personalized onboarding form, the cornerstone of our first call. This form is your roadmap, detailing your challenges and aspirations, laying the groundwork for our strategic blueprint.

Yes, I'm ready for success, let's do this!

As Seen At

hi, I am Vivien

With over a decade of experience as a corporate manager in a leading international food company, I bring with me a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective. My career has taken me to 46 countries and allowed me to live in 4, each experience adding a rich layer to my expertise.

Beyond my corporate achievements, I’m a certified Self-Defense Instructor, Self-Confidence Coach, Creative Empowerment Coach, and Professional Photographer, blending diverse skills to offer transformative learning experiences.

My approach is a tapestry woven from NLP-based techniques, profound life experiences, and a deep commitment to faith-based principles. My teaching is designed to empower creatives and professionals alike, helping them build confidence, overcome challenges, and realize their full potential.

What Others Are Saying

There is a reason for not booking any clients and that s not because you are not a good photographer. It’s because you are a bad enterpreneur. And Vivien will teach you how to become a great one.

Don’t invest in equipment before you invest in Vivien!

Vasso A.
Patmoshoot Photography

In the span of one zoom call with Vivien, she was able to give me so much clarity and direction for my business. She was able to give me confidence and affirmation, and point out little things that weren’t working in my business while also giving me solid advice to be able to turn them around. I so appreciate the time she took to look over my website and social media before our call, and her ability to give me constructive criticism without making me feel inadequate. I got so much out of our one conversation; I can’t imagine what heights she would help push you to if you are lucky enough to do one of her one-on-one courses. I highly recommend talking to her if you feel stuck, or directionless, or even just need a little affirmation on your journey.

Alexia B.

Vivien was super friendly and incredibly helpful to me, before our call she encouraged me and helped me dig deep with any questions I could think of before our meeting. Not only did she answer my several questions, she gave me amazing advice and really challenged me to a fresh perspective in areas where I have been struggling. The best part is that I never felt embarrassed or ashamed in where I’m struggling. She was so kind to me! Professional and ready to help was my experience. Would definitely recommend!

Alyssah S.

the best version of you

Start here by booking your free call.