

10 Weeks Coaching Program For Photographers That Want To Build A Solid Base By Standing Out, Becoming Their Own Niche, Attracting The Clients They Want & Become Fully Booked.

If you are ready to invest in yourself to build a fulfilling and thriving business, you’re in the right spot.

Vivien Renziehausen Photographer and Business Mentor

You took the step. You have your photography business up and running. You want to be fully booked but don’t know how to make this happen.

Clients don’t come in consistently and all your marketing efforts oftentimes leave you frustrated and demotivated.

You have trouble communicating your prices with confidence and dread the sales talk.

You feel disappointed and wonder how others are doing it, trying one strategy after the other but nothing works.

Vivien Renziehausen, CEO & founder of Dream Destination Photography Academy and Vivien Renziehausen Photography

And all you want is to

…attract the clients you want to work with effortlessly

…be fully booked and make money consistently

…stand out from your competition and be your own niche in that you are unrivaled

…charge more and work less

…create the life you want

…have a fun & thriving business you’re in love with

Yes. I hear you. You’re in the right place.

Here’s what you’ll achieve in the Fully Booked Photographer Coaching Program:


I’m an award winning photographer, digital course creator and business mentor. 

Over the past years I have helped several photographers to step into their power, stand out from their competition and grow their businesses. I helped them becoming their own niche in which they are unrivaled, can charge higher prices and work less and have more time for their families and friends. We photographers did not start our own business to struggle with it every month, we put ourselves out there to do what we love and get paid for our magic – consistently!

When I started my own photography business many years ago, I was struggling with getting consistent bookings. I soon learned that standing out from my competition and deliver value other photographers do not was the secret to a fully booked calendar.

Originally from Germany, I’ve successfully manifested sunny Mykonos in Greece my home along with a thriving business that gives me time and money freedom.

My motto is if I can do it, you can do it.

God has blessed me with the gift to help you uncover your hidden talents, to point you in the right direction of attracting the right clients and creating a thriving business. I understand your struggles and worries because I’ve once been there, too.

I know it’s not easy to sell your services with confidence when you have a hard time believing in yourself. When you have no clue how to differentiate yourself and what to do differently. I know the uncomfortable feeling when you have to talk to clients, anticipating the weird looks on their faces the second you talk about your prices.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Selling can be fun and easy. And I’ll show you how.

How it works

Fully Booked Photographer: personal mentoring comes with weekly 1:1 calls via Zoom, a bunch of helpful videos, step-by-step guidance to follow along and 24/7 access to me.

The videos are on demand and you can watch them over and over again, anytime and anywhere you want with lifetime access.

You might want a journal (ideally) for you to work with and come back to anytime.

In between our calls you have 24/7 access to me via WhatsApp, Telegram or Messenger so in case you get stuck, you can always reach out for support.

We’re in this together and I’ll make sure you’ll achieve the biggest possible gain and transformation from our work together and bring your business to the next level.

Oftentimes it’s hard to see our uniqueness or how to stand out and what to do differently –  which is normal. „Outsiders“ have a different view on us and our business and see potential we don’t.

Having done this for years, I easily spot your uniqueness and this is where all the fun starts.

Let’s make your business thrive and become a money magnet!

Click on the button to book a free 30 min. call with me to apply for working together. Pick a day and time that suits you.

The price is a low 4-figure investment – for now, it will go up soon.

If you’re ready to invest in getting the results you want faster and easier, apply for a call below